Senin, 11 Maret 2013

My Reflection at the Fourth Meeting

Why the sky is blue?
One question, but have a lot of answers. The answer related with “why do you like writing?” How do they like to study mathematic?
Usual, the student thinking that mathematic is only one. But day to day, week to week, and the end we finish our study. At the moment that we have finish our study, we realize that mathematic is not only one. Theoretic is there are many mathematic. The number of mathematic is similar to the number of people who think mathematic. If we talk about mathematic, we don’t look mathematic like God. We don’t talk about hard mathematic but look mathematic at around you. We should appreciate to they who study mathematic in the valley, the slopes, the isolate place, the place around us, who can feel the hard of study. Basically, there are two category of mathematic:
1.      Formal mathematic, axiotic mathematic, pure mathematic.
2.      The real action of mathematic, and we must adapt to area study mathematic.
So, someone who cannot adapt is stupid people. In the social sciences, smart person is who has adaptability, and someone who hasn’t adaptability is stupid person. If we learn mathematic to student of elementary school with university method, so we are stupid person. Smart person but in the other side this person is stupid. Smart life is if he/she can adapt to situation and condition. Javanese talks we must have good manners. Teacher also have good manners with student and with mathematic.
The mathematic method should change, mathematic for young student is activity. Mathematic activity for younger:
1.      Mathematic is relationship
2.      Mathematic is a problem solving activity
3.      Mathematic is a investigation activity
4.      Mathematic is the means of communication
People of curriculum don’t know about mathematic, they just know that mathematic is only one. So, our educations are getting worse. We feel pity for children. They receive knowledge not at exactly time. They shouldn’t receive it. Many methods that give to children, but many methods don’t compatible with children. So, Mr. Marsigit expand method of approach. After he doing research, he found the best method. It is naturally.  The method can’t broke the children future. We think that the best method to learning something is translate to translate, reflect to reflect. On the first, people can not believe with our method, they usually underestimate with our opini. But step by step they can agree with our method. It is need time.
The teacher has obligation to facilitate student to make mathematic easily, happy, and enjoy. The friendly method is duplicate God idea. The good teachers are who can facilitate their student. Teacher need technology to serve their student carefully, for example

Senin, 04 Maret 2013

My Reflection at the Third Meeting

Our topic at the moment is the problem of mathematic teaching. At now, more teachers use traditional method. They still to use traditional method of teaching and learning of mathematic for student until now. They just transfer knowledge. They aren’t facilitator, but they are giver and the impact will happen to their student. The characteristic of student from traditional method e.g.:
  1. The student learn passively
  2. The student feel boring
  3. The student sleepy during learning

The teachers don’t trust their student. They think that they have an obligation to deliver their knowledge and the student receive their knowledge, but in the fact the student receive empty vessel.

The traditional method of teaching and learning of mathematic have a difference of new method. The new method based on trust. The student need knowledge and they trust their teacher to become their facilitator. The teachers facilitate with various methods, resources, and equipments to teach.

In the fact, it is not easy to implement this innovative teaching, because our culture actually reflects the traditional method. So, when our younger sister and brother learn with various methods? This is nature, the traditional method became behavior. The learning method should adapt the situation, the dimension, the period. The learning method should up to date and don’t same with the pass period. The teachers usually still to use the method of pass period.

So, the education problem beginning from adult people, because they usually push the children (the student) to receive, whereas learning can we get from anywhere. Now, the student is unpredictable, especially too adolescent. Usual, the teacher isn’t ready with unpredictable student, because they always use the traditional method that they always just give, give, and give.

Therefore, knowledge not only gets from the teacher but also from anywhere. We must know the nature of all aspect of teaching and learning of mathematic e.g.:
  1. The nature of school mathematic
  2. The nature of student learning mathematic
  3. The nature of learning resources
  4.  and etc.

    There is method of deliver mathematic, formal mathematic and school mathematics. The formal mathematic use for university and the school mathematic use for elementary school until senior high school.  But sometimes, the teacher use formal mathematic for elementary school until senior high school, that why the student become hate the mathematic. If the teacher uses the wrong method, it will make the bad impact for the student. The student will hate mathematic and avoid mathematic. They can’t feel love mathematic. Love is intuition. So, the education problem at this moment is the children (the student) lost their intuition.

Senin, 25 Februari 2013

My Reflection at the second meeting

In this class, my lecture remembered us about him position and our position. He presumes that we are the mature student, so the communication of us with the lecture based on trust. We trust that he can facilitate us and he trust that we can do the task. Besides trust, on this English class we also have positive thinking. On study English we must think that English is fun and enjoy, if you think that English difficult and become to burden, so we not need to study English.

The lecture’s position isn’t giving knowledge, but more emphasis to look for the knowledge. Because give knowledge twice a week and fourteen times a month is not enough if we don’t try. The attitude is you. The knowledge is you. The skill is you. The experience is you. So, we can conclude that English is you. We cannot ask other people to make us ingenious English language but be yourself. You are an actor of study.
The test today we don’t pass the test, but we must prepare for next week. Don’t feel the test difficult but make it easy and do it, don’t think it. From the test we can see our power. Quiz, reflection, and comment in blog is one way to make language live. The best way is with remember, use, try, rewrite the article, and then write your opinion.

The first component of language is about the form, and the second is about substance. The substance of our talking about is mathematics. If you lost in the dessert during four months, you also lost your words. So, your soul, your spirit also lost. If language don’t have substance, so we can say that it nonsense. The ill factor in English is about the tenses. The tenses are very important. In case of language that is the important of structure, grammar, tenses, and etc.

All that is problem, just how we can handle the problem. Problem that how to have English skill. One way is reading the blog of our lecture. Not only read the article but also reflect the article. To reflect meaning is 1. To understand the article, the main idea, the topic; 2. Try to rewrite, retry express your idea; 3. To pose the problem. So starting from daily live, dig of whatever you think then expose in English. Step by step, day by day, week by week, over time we will get coming out.

If we arrogant, so your knowledge and your kindness will be meaningless. Provision of the studying is humble.

My Reflection at the first meeting

In the first we meet, we are talking about contract study. He talks about him lesson. He gives us three types of the task,
1.      Quiz
We should make short answer about vocabulary, grammar, preposition, adverb, and etc. We do it every meet in the class. The priority of the test is daily àeducationàeducation for mathematic.
2.      Reflection of study
We understand the lesson, then we expose with our way in English. We make print out it, then we post it in our blog. We make it every after the lesson.
3.      Online study
He serves articles in his blog. The articles write in English and Indonesian. We can write comment in the top of the article, in the box of comment. The comment is contents of reflection about the article. If the article in English we should comment in Indonesian, and if the article in Indonesian we should comment in English.

Studying English cannot instant. Because language is live, language is skill. We can learn English step by step, not only English but also to be success. We can write the step like this,


with this step, we can learn English and will be success.

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012


Perbedaan antara Intranet dan Ekstranet dapat kita lihat dengan jelas melalui gambar dibawah ini:

Dapat dilihat dari gambar tersebut, Intranet jaringannya hanya sebatas lingkup tertentu saja sedangkan Ekstranet jaringannya sudah mulai keluar (dalam suatu regional).



Intranet adalah jaringan informasi internal suatu perusahaan atau organisasi yang prinsip kerjanya sama dengan internet. Intranet dapat diartikan sebagai bentuk privat dari internet atau internet yang penggunaannya terbatas pada suatu organisasi/perusahaan. Akses intranet memerlukan identifikasi pengguna dan password sehingga hanya dapat diakses oleh anggota organisasi atau karyawan perusahaan tersebut. Untuk membangun sebuah intranet, maka sebuah jaringan haruslah memiliki beberapa komponen yang membangun Internet, yakni protokol Internet (Protokol TCP/IP, alamat IP, dan protokol lainnya), klien dan juga server. Protokol HTTP dan beberapa protokol Internet lainnya (FTP, POP3, atau SMTP) umumnya merupakan komponen protokol yang sering digunakan.

Keuntungan penggunaan intranet bagi suatu organisasi atau perusahaan antara lain :
  • Produktifitas kerja
  • Efisiensi waktu
  • Komunikasi
  • Sistem publikasi web
  • Efektifitas biaya
  • Keseragaman informasi
  • Meningkatkan kerjasama
Intranet juga memiliki beberapa kelemahan antara lain
  • Informasi yang salah atau tidak sesuai sehingga mengurangi efektifitasnya
  • Interaksi di intranet yang mungkin tidak bertanggung jawab
  • Perlu pelatihan khusus untuk anggota dalam menggunakan intranet
  • Perlu tenaga ahli untuk membangun dan mengembangkan intranet di sebuah organisasi atau perusahaan
  • Bisa terjasi overload (data penuh) akibat pengiriman pesan antar pengguna yang tidak terkontril dengan baik.
Ekstranet adalah jaringan pribadi yang menggunakan protokol internet dan sistem telekomunikasi publik untuk membagi sebagian informasi bisnis atau operasi secara aman kepada penyalur (supplier), penjual (vendor), mitra (partner), pelanggan dan lain-lain.
Extranet dapat juga diartikan sebagai intranet sebuah perusahaan yang dilebarkan bagi pengguna di luar perusahaan. Perusahaan yang membangun extranet dapat bertukar data bervolume besar dengan EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), berkolaborasi dengan perusahaan lain dalam suatu jaringan kerjasama dan lain-lain.
Contoh aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk extranet adalah Lotus Notes.

Jadi Intranet itu hanya untuk internal suatu perusahaan saja, tapi kalau Ekstranet untuk di luar perusahaan juga bisa memakai, misalnya bertukar data antar perusahaan.
