Senin, 25 Februari 2013

My Reflection at the second meeting

In this class, my lecture remembered us about him position and our position. He presumes that we are the mature student, so the communication of us with the lecture based on trust. We trust that he can facilitate us and he trust that we can do the task. Besides trust, on this English class we also have positive thinking. On study English we must think that English is fun and enjoy, if you think that English difficult and become to burden, so we not need to study English.

The lecture’s position isn’t giving knowledge, but more emphasis to look for the knowledge. Because give knowledge twice a week and fourteen times a month is not enough if we don’t try. The attitude is you. The knowledge is you. The skill is you. The experience is you. So, we can conclude that English is you. We cannot ask other people to make us ingenious English language but be yourself. You are an actor of study.
The test today we don’t pass the test, but we must prepare for next week. Don’t feel the test difficult but make it easy and do it, don’t think it. From the test we can see our power. Quiz, reflection, and comment in blog is one way to make language live. The best way is with remember, use, try, rewrite the article, and then write your opinion.

The first component of language is about the form, and the second is about substance. The substance of our talking about is mathematics. If you lost in the dessert during four months, you also lost your words. So, your soul, your spirit also lost. If language don’t have substance, so we can say that it nonsense. The ill factor in English is about the tenses. The tenses are very important. In case of language that is the important of structure, grammar, tenses, and etc.

All that is problem, just how we can handle the problem. Problem that how to have English skill. One way is reading the blog of our lecture. Not only read the article but also reflect the article. To reflect meaning is 1. To understand the article, the main idea, the topic; 2. Try to rewrite, retry express your idea; 3. To pose the problem. So starting from daily live, dig of whatever you think then expose in English. Step by step, day by day, week by week, over time we will get coming out.

If we arrogant, so your knowledge and your kindness will be meaningless. Provision of the studying is humble.

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